Screen Actors Guild | Pro Bono

​PRODUCT: 4-Panel Fundraising Brochure
CLIENT: Development
AUDIENCE: Successful Actors Giving Back
BACKGROUND: The Kaufherr Members Resource Center (KMRC) is a full-service, multi-purpose resource center available for SAG-AFTRA and AEA members. Their mission is to support Chicago professional actors in marketing their talent, enhancing their skills, and support their resolve to make a living at their craft.
Special Events
Click Image to Download Card
​PRODUCT: Invitation for SAG 75th Anniversary
CLIENT: SAG Foundation Chicago
AUDIENCE: Union Members
BACKGROUND: The Chicago branch of the Screen Actor's Guild Foundation hosted a Black Tie event in celebration of the union's 75th Anniversary. The invitation was designed to reflect the importance and tone of the event.
Children's Literacy Initiative
Click Image to Download the Workbook
​PRODUCT: Simple Workbook for "We the Children"
CLIENT: SAG Foundation
AUDIENCE: Participating children in the program
BACKGROUND: During the inaugural program in 1999, a child interviewed his father to learn his family history. He discovered that his dad walked from Guatemala to the U S for a better life. The boy asked his father what he brought on this trip and he replied, “Only my memories and dreams.” Under the direction of dedicated classroom teachers, community supporters, professional literary and visual artists, children research and create a leather bound book filled with their memories and dreams. The program is no longer part of the available literacy services.