DMD Courses 113-125
DMD 113 • History of Graphic Design
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CATALOG: A general survey of the history of graphic design from its origins to contemporary practice. The goals of this course are to provide the following: the visual vocabulary of the development of signs and symbols, insight into the continuity of design thinking, understanding the social/political context of the practice, foundation for pursuit of research in the field of design.
PHILOSOPHY: This is a course for designers, not historians. I tell my students that the History of Graphic Design, in this course, is a discussion, not a lecture. Students work in groups discussing assignments and gathering answers to assigned questions which are then presented to other groups. They are guided in presentation skills as they master the language of design and deepen their understanding of what inspires and changes design.
DMD 116 • Web Design & Development
Student Samples Not Available • Not Published
CATALOG: An introduction to web page design and creation using industry standard web design software. Students will learn to use graphics, sound, video, animation, scripts, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to enhance web pages. The course will cover basic concepts of web design and color with an emphasis on designing for visual appeal and user-friendly navigation. Students will also gain a fundamental knowledge of HTML/XHTML and the skills to publish and maintain web sites.
ONLINE: We use Adobe Dreamweaver for this course and I teach it only when another section opens up due to good enrollment.
DMD 121 • Introduction Graphic Design
Coming Soon
CATALOG: This is a foundation course that develops a student’s ability to understand graphic design with a focus on print media but applies to interactive media as well. The student is introduced to basic design terminology, principles, theory, tools, and techniques used in today’s digitally produced communications. An emphasis throughout is a solid foundation in organizational skills and research associated with design. This course lays the foundation for more advanced digital design courses.
NEW COURSE: This is one of the two new courses I designed in 2018 for the Digital Media and Design Program. This course was originally taught in the Art Department back when designers were still doing paste-up. The course was accepted by the CLC Curriculum Committee in 2018 and I will be teaching this course for the first time in the Fall 2019 Semester.
DMD 125 • Printing Production
Coming Soon
CATALOG: Printing Production focuses on current procedures that prepare designers and creative thinkers for real world situations in the printing industry. Sending a job to the print vendor can be a mysterious and expensive process of trial and error. Understanding print processes is an essential part of design that can assure a predictable outcome of deliverables. To manage a print job effectively, you must understand how print shops work, how to communicate with them, and how to identify the best design solution for your budget. Topics include print media software, apps and specifications; and various types of presses, substrates, bindings, and/or finishings.
NEW COURSE: This is one of the two new courses I designed in 2018 for the Digital Media and Design Program. This course was originally taught in the Art Department back when designers were still doing paste-up. The course was accepted by the CLC Curriculum Committee in 2018 and was taught by another adjunct since I had a full load.